What a Buddhist temple taught me.

The temple above is Wat Doi Suthep. It is about a 45 minute drive from where I live. A steep, windy drive up the mountain. From the street in front of the temple up to the temple is nearly 400 steps.

When you get to the top there’s an outer part and an inner part. The outer part has a few idols to worship, a brief story of why they built the temple in that spot, bells and gongs to ring, and a beautiful view of the city.

The inner part is full of idols, people desperate to be heard or healed or protected or provided for. There are giving opportunities to cover the cost of things like monks that are sick or to buy gold leafing to put on the idols or to build more temples. In fact, they are raising money to build a temple in Santa Barbara, CA. There are rooms to worship more idols or to seek a blessing from a monk.

In the center of the inner part is a square walk way. You buy a lotus flower then repeat one of the prayers they have on cards as you walk around.

I visit this temple every month or so. It is a reminder to me of what I’m up against there.

But more than that, this temple has taught me a few things. 

This temple taught me just how little effort I put into worshiping God. When I stand at the bottom of the stairs of this temple I ask myself, “If my church was up there would I walk up all these steps to get to it?” Sometimes making intentional time to read the Bible and pray feels like a burden. Why?

Yet, here, 100’s of people a week or even a day make the long drive up the mountain and the long trek up the stairs. They do this to maybe be heard by their god(s). To maybe pray, do, give, offer enough to earn merit. To maybe offset any wrongs done. To maybe tip the scales of karma in their favor.

They do all of that and more for just a maybe.

This temple taught me to have a deeper love, gratitude, joy and fervor in knowing the one true God. In knowing Hope himself. In knowing that all of my sins are atoned for in Christ. In knowing that I cannot earn what the Lord freely gives. In knowing that how I live my life can be an offering that is well pleasing unto the Lord.

Below is a video of the temple.

Disclaimer: I don’t know the people that made the video. But it is a more recent, concise look around the temple. 

What a month it was!

March was non-stop! In a good way.

I finished another class! It was the Homiletics one. I had to write a sermon then present it to the class. I haven’t heard back yet about how I did, but I feel pretty good about it. I’ve had the opportunity to share that sermon at a couple of churches. Each time it gets better :)

Pastor Troy from City View church in San Diego invited me to participate in their missions conference. It was so fun to meet new people and to share about what God is doing in Thailand.

The following weekend I got to be with Pastor Joe at Nuevo Amanecer church in LA. I can’t lie. Spanish worship just hits different! It’s like heaven opens up and you’re sitting at Jesus feet. You can’t help but be moved and to move. I love it! Met some great, genuine people.

The weekend after that found me with Pastor Jesse at Faith Tabernacle LA. What made this one special is that I am the fourth generation connected to that church. My great-grandparents, grandparents, and mom all went there. It was such an honor to be there and for my mom to be there with me. Pastor Jesse, his staff and congregation made me feel like I was home with family.

Click here to watch the video from Faith Tabernacle. I go up around the 48 minute mark.

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Thank you for partnering with me to make Jesus known in Thailand!


Mission Thailand exists to introduce Buddhists to Jesus through prayer and relationship.


Making memories at the mailbox.


God’s plan > my plan