Making memories at the mailbox.

Because I have so little time with my nieces and nephews I have to make memories with them any way that I can. The most recent is “mailbox time”.

It started a few weeks ago. My niece and I like to walk down to the mailbox to check the mail. One day the mail lady was still sorting the mail. So we sat on the curb while we were waiting. My niece and I talked about our day, the bugs on the ground, what I do in Thailand, and all the other things that crossed her very curious 5 year old mind.

The next time she came over she asked to go sit at the mailbox. The time after that, she asked to bring a snack and “mailbox time” was born. My niece is a bit like me. We both need some quiet time away from people. That’s when we walk down to the mailbox to chill for a few minutes.

These are the memories I cherish. It’ll be another 4 years before I can make memories with her, and the other nieces and nephews, again. She’ll be 9. She might not want to have mailbox time with Auntie Sara when I get back but, we will find new memories to make. I look forward to that.

What you do for the least of these…

From the time I was 6 years old I’ve wanted to be a barber so that I can do free haircuts for men that need it. When I was in my late teens I started practicing cutting hair on my dad, my brother and some of his friends, my neighbors, my friend’s kids. Over the years I’ve gotten better. I have spent hours watching tutorials on youtube. I’ve even had the opportunity to do a few cuts in Thailand. The schools are very strict about how short the boys hair needs to be. I recently started cutting my brother in law’s hair as well.

I haven't gone to barber college, yet, but, I really enjoy cutting hair! I enjoy even more doing it for free. A couple of weeks ago I got to join some really great people in serving the homeless community that lives near the river. I got to do some haircuts! It was the fulfillment of a dream the Lord put in my heart when I was just a child. I loved every moment of it!

A men’s program partners with Kern Medical Supply to simply acknowledge and love on the “least of these.” They go out every Wednesday and Thursday. They bring donuts and coffee, food, and any clothes that were donated. Kern Medical Supply along with other medical groups tend to any medical needs. A veterinarian also goes to tend to any animals that may need to be treated.

There isn’t one solution to the homelessness epidemic. There isn’t one way to address the needs that are so prevalent in our communities. But, there is one thing that Jesus taught us in regards to those in need and on the fringes of society. We find that in Matthew 25.

Matthew 25:40 “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:45 “Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

It is very clear. What we do or don’t do for the least of these is directly translated into what we do or don’t do for Christ.

Let’s ask the Lord how he wants us to help those in need around us. We absolutely need discernment. God knows their needs better than they do. He will guide us in helping to meet those needs.

My brother was here!

It had been nearly 4 1/2 years since I saw my brother last. I hadn’t yet met my baby nephew who is 3 already. For the first time in 6 years all 6 of us siblings were together in one place. There was 26 of us! It was chaotic in the best way. These times are few and far between. I never would have thought while I was growing up that we’d all be living so far apart. It sure is a good time when we are all together!

My brother gave me some pointers on corn hole. Stepped my game way up. So fun!

We shared lots of food, laughs, and love!

Full circle

I was invited to speak at the young adults group at my home church. It was in this group, called Upper Room back in the day, that I went on several missions trips and was called to be a missionary. It was so cool to get to share with a new generation of young adults. I know God has some mighty plans for this group and I’m excited to see them unfold!

May is here and it’s my birthday month!

I’ll be 43 on 16 May. For my birthday I’m hoping to get 43 new supporters to make a monthly commitment at any amount. That will get me even closer to getting back to Thailand! And it will help cushion the blow of practically being in my mid-forties lol!

If you’re already a monthly supporter you can share the posts to help me reach more potential supporters. If you aren’t yet a monthly supporter now is the perfect time to sign up! Anything you give makes a greater impact than you might think. Especially when it is combined with others that are giving monthly. I can’t do what I do with your support. I literally live off of what you give me. God called me. You send me. We are all in partnership together.

There’s going to be a long line of people that I can’t wait to introduce you to. People that you helped to love, provide for, and most importantly, share the Good News with.

Click here to give!


Mission Thailand exists to introduce Buddhists to Jesus through prayer and relationship.

Humbling handshakes


What a Buddhist temple taught me.