It’s Pruning Season

I’m not a farmer or a gardener or even a “plant mom”. But that doesn’t deter the Lord from pruning. He’s pruning me. Throughout the Bible there are references to fruit. Bear much fruit. The fruit of the Spirit. They will be known by their fruit.

Just like plants and trees need to be pruned, we too need to be pruned. Pruning is necessary for health and growth and a greater yield. I desire to know Jesus more and to be more like him. At times that requires pruning. There are people and things and habits and ways of thinking that God is asking me to cut off or cut out of my life. It is difficult. It is painful at times. But I know that it will bring more glory to God and will produce more abundant fruit in my life.

I’m finding the closer I get to Jesus the more narrow the road gets. Probably because “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” When I see Jesus face to face I don’t want to wish I had done more or tried harder. We only have this life to live for Christ. There will be no need for sacrifice or evangelism or discipleship in heaven. We will be living in the reward of the fruit of our labor this side of heaven.

Past, present, future

December was full of great things.

My youngest niece’s adoption was finalized! I can’t go into detail but, my sister and brother in law endured many hardships over the course of adopting my niece. Though there were many failures by those that are meant to uphold the law to serve and protect, God was the true hero. His sovereignty can’t be thwarted!

My niece will get to grow up with her biological sister that was also adopted into our family. Not many adoptees get to grow up with their siblings. Another blessing from the Lord that they will get to be together forever.

I also got to share at my home church, Canyon Hills. It was such a blessing to get to say thank you and to update them on all that God is doing in Thailand.

Christmas was interesting this year. It didn’t feel like Christmas at all. Because most of my family got together for Thanksgiving everyone decided to stay home for Christmas. My parents flew to TX to be with my brother. I spent the morning with my sister and her family and had dinner with some friends. All in all it was a good day.

January was full of opportunities.

I shared about Buddhism in my life group. I attended the SoCal Leadership Conference. So good! I met with supporters. And, I got to share at Bakersfield Christian Church. The first time I’ve done two services in a row. I’m still growing in my public speaking skills but I had a great time. The Lord is so faithful to use our obedience for His glory.

February is just about full!

I will be sharing in a sunday school class. I will be doing a service in Colton, CA. I will be in AZ. Twice. Meeting with supporters and potential supporters.

March is open.

Next month is pretty open. I’m hoping to book more services and to continue making progress on getting the last bit of my funds raised. I’m really hoping to be in Thailand in May.

I’m almost there!

I’m getting closer to getting back to Thailand! I can feel a shift in my heart and my mind. I am starting to make lists of what I need to buy and what I need to pack. I’m starting to think about what part of Chiang Mai I want to live in. It might be premature of me to do that since I don’t have a departure date yet lol! But I know that a lot goes into moving to another country and I want to be as prepared as I can be. So when I get the green light I’ll be ready to go.

I still need about $1,700 in monthly support. Here’s a breakdown of what that looks like at different amounts. Any amount is a blessing! Click on the graphic to donate. 


Lastly, I would love to partner with you in prayer. Choose a day of the month that works for you and we can pray for each other. You can respond to this email or message me with a date and I’ll add you to my calendar.

As always, thank you for all that you do to join me in making Jesus known in Thailand!


Mission Thailand exists to introduce Buddhists to Jesus through prayer and relationship.

Changing Traditions